
Upload File to a Url Using Docker Api

Harbor optionally supports HTTP connections, notwithstanding the Docker client always attempts to connect to registries past showtime using HTTPS. If Harbor is configured for HTTP, you must configure your Docker customer then that it can connect to insecure registries. In your Docker client is not configured for insecure registries, yous will see the post-obit error when you attempt to pull or push images to Harbor:

Error response from daemon: Get punch tcp getsockopt: connectedness refused.        

For information nigh how to add insecure registries to your Docker client, meet Connecting to Harbor via HTTP.

You as well encounter this error if Harbor uses HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate. In this case, obtain the registry's CA certificate, and copy information technology to /etc/docker/certs.d/

Harbor only supports the Registry V2 API. Y'all must use Docker client one.6.0 or college when pushing and pulling images.

Pulling Images

If the project that the image belongs to is private, you lot must sign in first:

            docker login <harbor_address>                      

Y'all tin now pull an image:

            docker pull <harbor_address>/library/ubuntu:14.04                      

You cannot pull an unsigned image if you have enabled content trust.

Pushing Images

Earlier you can push an prototype to Harbor, you must create a corresponding projection in the Harbor interface. For information most how to create a projection, see Create Projects.

Starting time, log in from Docker customer:

            docker login <harbor_address>                      

Tag the image:

            docker tag ubuntu:14.04 <harbor_address>/demo/ubuntu:14.04                      

Push button the image:

            docker push <harbor_address>/demo/ubuntu:14.04                      

Add Descriptions to Repositories

Later on pushing an paradigm, the project administrator can add together information to depict the repository.

Go into the repository and select the Info tab, and click the Edit button. Enter a description and click Salve to salve the description.

edit info

Download the Harbor Certificate

Users can click the Registry Certificate push button to download the registry document.

browse project

Deleting Repositories

Deleting repositories involves two steps.

Showtime, yous delete a repository in the Harbor interface. This is soft deletion. Y'all can delete the unabridged repository or just one of its tags. Later on the soft deletion, the repository is no longer managed by Harbor, however, the repository files remain in the Harbor storage.

browse project
browse project

If both tag A and tag B refer to the same image, afterwards deleting tag A, B will also get deleted. if y'all enabled content trust, you need to utilize notary control line tool to delete the tag'due south signature before you lot delete an epitome.

Next, delete the repository files by running garbage collection in the Harbor interface.

Pulling Images from Harbor in Kubernetes

Kubernetes users can easily deploy pods with images stored in Harbor. The settings are similar to those of any other private registry. There are ii issues to be aware of:

  1. When your Harbor instance is hosting HTTP and the certificate is self-signed, you must modify daemon.json on each work node of your cluster. For information, see
  2. If your pod references an epitome under a private project, y'all must create a secret with the credentials of a user who has permission to pull images from the project. For information, see

Configure Notary Content Trust

Make sure that https is enabled in harbor.yml and the attributes ssl_cert and ssl_cert_key betoken to valid certificates. For more information virtually generating a HTTPS certificate, come across Configure HTTPS Access to Harbor.

Copy the Root Certificate

If Harbor example is hosted at 192.168.0.five, ff you are using a self-signed document, copy the Harbor CA root cert to /etc/docker/certs.d/ and ~/.docker/tls/ on the machine on which you lot run the Docker client.

Enable Docker Content Trust

Yous tin enable content trust by setting the following surroundings variables on the automobile on which you run the Docker client.

                          export              DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST              =              1              export              DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_SERVER              =https://192.168.0.five:4443                      

Set up Allonym for Notary (optional)

By default the local directory for storing meta files for the Notary client is different from the ane for the Docker customer. To simplify the use of the Notary client to dispense the keys/meta files that are generated by Docker content trust, you can set an allonym.

                          allonym              notary              =              "notary -s https://192.168.0.five:4443 -d ~/.docker/trust --tlscacert /etc/docker/certs.d/"              


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