
How to Say Hello Again in Japanese

Did you know that people use spoken language and body linguistic communication to say hello in Japanese? Wait, WHAT!? Yep. Then when making your aisatsu 挨拶 (greeting) in Japan – call back that it'southward more than than but a 'hello!' Put away that handshake. A bow is the proper mode to greet people in Nippon!

Fun fact: the greater angle (how far you bow down!) and elapsing of your bow shows the level of respect.

From serious to casual:

  • 15 degrees (informal)

Best used when casually greeting someone!

  • thirty degrees (friendly formal)

Best used in business concern situations like meeting clients

  • 45 degrees (the highest class of respect)

Best used when meeting someone of very high status

Need some help? Spotter this video and practice your bows!

This might seem more than than you signed upwardly for when learning Japanese, but it's fun to endeavor! Quick tips: option a spot on the flooring to look at because eye contact is considered rude. Also: putting your hands together is a Western stereotype! Go along them by your sides!

How to say howdy and greet in different situations

And then whether you're taking a tour of cute Japan or attending daily business organisation meetings – you demand to know how to say hello and greet in different situations.

Saying hullo in English language is easy, correct? But maxim hello in Japanese is a whole different story because it depends highly on context. Meaning there are different ways to greet people in Nippon depending on the situation you find yourself in. Then before thinking 'how practise you say hello in Japanese?' – take a minute to sum up the situation.


It's awesome that you lot desire to larn Japanese . You lot're going to smash information technology! But before y'all show off your new language, y'all'll need to start conversations the right way!

Nosotros've got you covered. Below teaches you how to say hi in Japanese in a bunch of different scenarios. (Check out our Japanese Video Phrasebook for more useful phrases).

How to say hello in Japanese

And so how do you say how-do-you-do in Japanese? These will equip yous nicely in 'The Land of The Rising Lord's day':

konnichiwa (こんにちは)

Konnichiwa (こんにちは) is said between tardily morning time (11am) and early evening (5pm) in Japan. Information technology'south a formal kind of 'hello!'. And so you wouldn't say konnichiwa with your best mate. Hear a Japanese local saying it beneath!

konnichiwa - Hello

otsukaresama desu (お疲れ様です)

Japanese colleagues take a specific term for saying hello to each other in the workplace: otsukaresama desu (お疲れ様です). It shows recognition of mutual hard work and is best used when arriving into the office every bit a greeting.

If saying hello on a piece of work call attempt osewa ni natte orimasu (お世話になっております) to show you capeesh the human relationship. Or hai はい (hello), followed by your company name. Information technology'southward a piddling fancier.

otsukaresama desu - hello_betweencolleagues

moshi moshi (もしもし)

moshi moshi (もしもし) is best used on the telephone as a 'hello are you there?' kind of saying. Save it for this only.

やあ, よう, yahhō ヤッホー

When you lot brand some cool Japanese friends after learning Japanese with Memrise (😉), you'll be calling on Yā = howdy!  Yō = yo! and yahhō = hey all the fourth dimension. These are all informal and used with friends. Especially among the young generations and with lots of enthusiasm! Woo!

saikin dō? 最近どう? and dōmo どうも

But how absurd are y'all? Saikin dō translates to 'what's up?' And dōmo tin can mean how-do-you-do, cheers, in a friendly polite way. Both piece of work nicely when picking upwards the phone to a friend. Saikin dō for getting flirty at a party... Just please PLEASE: don't say this to your boss… or girlfriend's parents. Okay?

dōmo - Hi Thanks

Is there a difference betwixt them?

Yep! Their use depends on fourth dimension and situation! Otsukaresama desu (お疲れ様です) is used in the workplace. Konnichiwa (こんにちは) is used as a formal hullo between belatedly morning time and evening. In dissimilarity, yā (やあ), yō (よう), yahhō (ヤッホ) and saikin dō (最近どう)) are used informally to greet friends! Dōmo (どうも) is more friendly formal. Struggling to connect on the phone? Use moshi moshi もしもし every bit a questioning hello.

How do you say nice to meet you in Japanese?

Rumour has information technology when you first run into someone… y'all have 7 seconds to brand a adept start impression. 👀 This is when your 'prissy to meet you' goes a long manner!

hajimemashite はじめまして = nice to encounter you

hajimemashite 2 - Nice To Meet You

If you've been introduced to someone effort:

yoroshiku onegaishimasu よろしくおねがいします = dainty to see y'all! (later on introduction)

yoroshiku onegai shimasu - nice to meet you (after)

Keeping upward? Good. There are more cool ways to greet people in Japanese than hello, how-do-you-do and dainty to run into y'all! Read on to greet like a real local!

How exercise you say practiced morning in Japanese?

Ahh… another beautiful Japanese morn. Time to light up people's day with a 'ohayō' おはよう 🌞

Ohayō おはよう = morning! (casual)

ohayō - morning_casual

Other ways to say skillful morning time:

  • Ohayō gozaimasu おはようございます= good morning (formal)

  • minna, ohayō! みんな、おはよー!= proficient morning anybody (to friends)

  • minasan, ohayō gozaimasu 皆さん、おはようございます

= good forenoon everyone (formal: due east.chiliad. instructor to students)

How practise you say practiced afternoon in Japanese?

Ok. And so we mentioned before that konnichiwa (こんにちは) is used as a formal 'hello!' in Nippon. But did you know information technology likewise means 'good afternoon'!?

konnichiwa - Hello

How practice you lot say proficient evening in Japanese?

Tokyo's evening neon lights are inviting you out for some succulent food and drinkable. Time for a:

Kombanwa/Konbanwa (こんばんは) = good evening

kombanwa - GoodEvening

How to say welcome in Japanese?

In that location are a scattering of different means to say welcome in Japanese. Let'due south talk you lot through them.

Yōkoso ようこそ = welcome

yōkoso - Welcome

The well-nigh used 'welcome!' greeting in Nippon. You'll hear it when you arrive at the airport or pop over to a friend'southward house!

Irasshaimase いらっしゃいませ = welcome, come in!

irasshaimase (いらっしゃいませ) is something to listen out for rather than speak. You'll hear it when you lot walk into a eating place or convenience store. Information technology's a welcoming kind of 'come in'. How nice!

irasshai mase - WelcomeInAStore

Okaerinasai – welcome dorsum おかえりなさい。

Okaerinasai or okaeri おかえり (shorter version) welcomes someone'due south return! It works well in response to tadaima (ただいま ただいま ) – which people say to denote their inflow!

How to say good day in Japanese?

Goose egg lasts forever. So how do you to say bye in Japanese ?

Like a lot of Japanese language, it depends on social context.

A common misconception is that sayonara さようなら is how to say goodbye in Nippon. NOPE! Sayonara is rarely used and is really kind of rude 🤬. It's a hard goodbye – 'cheerio forever! I'm non sure we'll see each other again.'

Instead, check out these Japanese goodbyes that'll equip you for whatever situation:

  • ā ne じゃあね = run into yous! (informal)

  • mata ne またね = see yous later/run across you lot adjacent fourth dimension

Super easy and casual. Utilise them with friends and family.

More than specific examples:

  • itte kimasu いってきます行って来ます  =  goodbye (when leaving your house)

  • osaki ni shitsureishimasu お先に失礼します =  goodbye (leaving piece of work) – meaning 'alibi me for leaving you'.

  • o-genki de お元気で =  take care/keep well (best used before someone goes away somewhere and you won't run into them in a while).

How to say goodnight in Japanese?

The night'south over. You need to finish your sake and get some sleep.

Hither's how y'all say goodnight in Japanese:

  • Oyasumi おやすみ = Good night (informal)

Used with family unit and friends.

  • Oyasumi nasai おやすみなさい = Skillful night (formal)

Used when saying goodnight to your invitee, teacher, dominate (on a business trip).

That's information technology, folks! You at present know how to say howdy and greet people in lots of different situations and at different times. Pretty crawly, right?

Heed upwards. Your moment to acquire Japanese is now. Keep practising piffling and frequently and you can learn this fascinating language in no time! You lot got this.

Tweet the states @Memrise to let us know how you're getting on!

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